If I finish my stuff; then I need to make new stuff; or else I'm not productive.
But if I do finish my stuff, will the stuff I make later on be any good?
Like, will I run out of imaginary "juice" or skill or someting? It pretty hard to finish stuff and actually show it to the public if I have no idea whether it could be ... better. Looking back, there's been some huge improvement. But currently it's climbing this annyoing exponential curve. Like nothing's really happening.
What if this is the best it can get? And what if /this/ won't do? What if "best" is not good enough?
But it's the idea that matters, right? I guess everyone listened/watched/consumed something shittily executed just because of the idea and not the shiny stuff. And then revamp came and it was just all just *sploosh*.
"Ideas are cheap", eh?
My thoughts are so cohesive - I'm thinking about becoming a stand-up comician. Comedy guy. Comedian, yes. Comedian. Transitions are for pussies.
Will I do stuff and upload it to newgrounds? I have no idea. Why would anyone care? Why do I care? I really don't know. Because it might be just cool.
Cool. Bring it.